Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Religious leaders and community leaders must continue to build spaces for dialogue between them to minimize the rampant violence in the name of religion these days. "There is no way to minimize violence in the name of religion than by building dialog spaces like this," said Chairman of the Institute for Cross-Cultural Studies (LKLK), M Sofwan Faisal in Public Discussion: Red and White Knitting torn in Eating Mrs. Mayar , Klaten, Saturday (12/3). In the discussion which was attended by several representatives of community organizations and cultural activists were agreed upon the necessity of building a space for dialogue on an ongoing basis. Because, every dogma and doctrine that demands unilateral claim would be potentially give birth to violence. Related reason, dialogue and religious antarpemuka needed to build tolerance. "Suppose we know the teachings of Islam Islam is kaffah go. This understanding needs to be clarified in this context that Islam is peace. Not religious coercion, "said Kholilurrohman, STAIN Surakarta lecturers who appeared as one of the speakers. Kholil boarding school nurse who also Mambaul Hisan Karanganom, Klaten, confirms that the beginning of every question of religion when religion is always opposed to religious or other beliefs. Should, strictly speaking, religion is a complement of the overall teachings of goodness and peace. "If contested, religion will always be hostile. In fact, Muhammad was never contradicting the teachings of Jesus, "he said. That is why, says Kholil, the importance of religion from the perspective of building peace. Not the other way, to trigger a violent religion. In line with other speakers of the representatives of the church, Harno. He argues that the root problem is when interreligious violence which emerges is that religious symbols, rather than religious virtue that applies universally to all mankind. - By: asa (Solopos issue of Monday, March 14, 2011, Hal.V, image:

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